
Kids are always learning. Always trying to figure things out...even if that means trying to figure out how to get the knitting needles back into the sweater I had been working on...before I notice. Or that five teaspoons of baking soda in the cake recipe really wasn't a good idea. Of course, losing my cool won't put the needles back into the sweater, or remove that uber salty taste from the cake. So it's kind of pointless to 'lose it'. And it ruins the atmosphere in the home. So...take a picture and learn to laugh about it. It'll make a great story to tell at their wedding.

But lessons aside, there are some things that kids need to learn, like multiplication tables. Zoey just couldn't get a grasp of it...so we did laundry instead. And by the time that load had been folded, she'd grasped the concept. We made piles of socks...two piles of three socks, six piles of five socks...and suddenly it made sense. I'll be sharing some of our learning discoveries here. I know that no two kids are alike, and that goes for my brood as well. My youngest read off a pack of 100 flash cards at the age of two. You heard me, 2. Oh, no, I didn't spend time trying to teach her. She'd learned the alphabet and the phonetic sound each letter made by the time she hit 18 months. She knew her colours and shapes as well. I'm glad I chose educational games on her iPad rather than useless time-stealing games.

Kids learn so much when they're actually interested in the topic. And if we do it right...just about any topic can be used to teach languages, math, and science. It all depends on how you present it.
I'll be sharing some of our learning adventures here.

Study Time

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